Transpersonal Psychology is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the integration of Eastern and Western psychological and spiritual approaches. This field of study emerged from earlier tendencies within contemporary psychotherapy (Humanistic, Jungian, etc.). It recognizes the potential for experiencing a broad range of states of consciousness where one's identity extends beyond the usual limits of ego and personality. Students who select this field of inquiry can choose to teach and guide people in numerous modalities, become life coaches, conduct research, as well as realize profound self development.
Graduates of the Transpersonal Psychology program embark on both traditional and nontraditional careers. By being responsive to the spiritual as well as the physical and mental dimensions they are in a unique position to address many of our contemporary problems. This enables them to become more evolved human beings, parents, spouses, artists, therapists, athletes, educators, healers, and workshop leaders.
Transpersonal Psychology

Masters Program: 45 Credits
(35 Credits in Required Courses, 10 Credits in Electives
Doctorate Program: 90 Credits
(50 Credits in Required Courses, 40 Credits in Electives)
Combined Masters/Doctorate Program: 130 Credits
(60 Credits in Required Courses, 70 Credits in Electives)
Course credits toward your degree may be earned in the following ways:
Many students earn course credits by having their mentor assign books to read on the course topic, and writing papers or completing projects that demonstrate their understanding of the assigned material. Credits can also be obtained by attending conferences, workshops, retreats, or online courses from established academic institutions. Students may request and submit for IUPS approval (through their mentors), permission to earn credits through external programs. Students also have the opportunity to assist in designing their own electives, allowing for education customization.
A key criteria for earning credits is for students to demonstrate how learning this subject matter impacts their lives personally and professionally. Integration of course material is of paramount importance at IUPS.
Course # Credits Required Core Courses for Masters
TPY 500 4 Transpersonal Psychology
TPY 501 3 Counseling Theories, Strategies, and Skills Training
TPY 502 2 Personality Theories
TPY 508 4 Contemporary Consciousness Teachings
TPY 520 2 Theories and Practice of Meditation
TPY 521 3 Transpersonal Therapies: Eastern and Western Strategies for Transformation
TPY 530 1 Cross-Cultural Counseling
TPY 570 1 Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling
TPY 580 5 Internship and Practical Application
TPY 590 10 Masters Thesis Project
Course # Credits Required Core Courses for Doctorates
TPY 600 5 Transpersonal Psychology
TPY 601 5 Counseling Theories, Strategies, and Skills Training
TPY 602 3 Personality Theories
TPY 608 5 Contemporary Consciousness Teachings
TPY 620 3 Theories and Practice of Meditation
TPY 621 5 Transpersonal Therapies: Eastern and Western Strategies for Transformation
TPY 630 2 Cross-Cultural Counseling
TPY 670 2 Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling
TPY 680 5 Internship and Practical Application
TPY 690 15 Dissertation Research Project
Course # Credits Required Core Courses for Combined Masters/Doctorate
TPY 600 5 Transpersonal Psychology
TPY 601 5 Counseling Theories, Strategies, and Skills Training
TPY 602 5 Personality Theories
TPY 608 5 Contemporary Consciousness Teachings
TPY 620 5 Theories and Practice of Meditation
TPY 621 5 Transpersonal Therapies: Eastern and Western Strategies for Transformation
TPY 630 5 Cross-Cultural Counseling
TPY 670 5 Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling
TPY 680 5 Internship and Practical Application
TPY 690 15 Dissertation Research Project
Below are examples of electives that one may consider taking as part of a degree program in Transpersonal Psychology. Students, in concert with their mentors, shall determine which electives are most relevant to their educational aspirations.
Course# Credits Courses
TPY 640 1-5 Art & Spirituality
TPY 641 1-5 Body-Centered Therapies: Reiki, Hakomi, Bioenergetics, Chi Kung, Feldenkrais, etc.
TPY 642 1-5 Conscious Living
TPY 643 1-5 Conscious Parenting
TPY 644 1-5 Conscious Relationships
TPY 645 1-5 Death and Dying, Grief and Loss
TPY 647 1-5 Ecopsychology
TPY 648 1-5 Enneagram
TPY 649 1-5 Gestalt Therapy
TPY 650 1-5 Human Sexuality
TPY 651 1-5 Hypnotherapy
TPY 652 1-5 Jung & Archetypes
TPY 653 1-5 Theories, Therapies, and Issues in Chemical Dependency
TPY 654 1-5 Transformational Life Coaching
TPY 655 1-5 Wellness Coaching: Body, Mind and Spirit
Transpersonal Psychology Course Descriptions
(Please note: All Doctoral coursework (600 courses) involve more advanced research and in-depth study.)
TPY 500/600 Transpersonal Psychology
An overview of the history of psychology and its development into the current understanding of Transpersonal Psychology is offered. This course is designed for the study and experiential learning of psychological expansion of awareness into the study of extraordinary states of consciousness, exploration of spiritual gifts, body-mind wisdom, all of which lead into deeper transformational learning.
TPY 501/601 Counseling Theories, Strategies, and Skills Training
Traditional counseling theories are examined for their contributions to Transpersonal Psychology, and strategies are developed that incorporate relevant techniques into transpersonal perspectives. Students are encouraged to enter dimensions of consciousness that allow counseling theories to guide the strategies and skills required for effective transpersonal counseling. The development of skills that emerge from the incorporation of traditional knowledge with transpersonal pursuits are nurtured as a focus for this course.
TPY 502/602 Personality Theories
This course will assist the student in developing his/her ability to develop his/her own practical framework from which to practice, based on understanding of the theories of personality which have which are currently in the literature. Students will be taught how to take the most helpful aspects of the various personality theories and utilize those aspects in the creation of his/her own understanding of personality theory and how it works.
TPY 508/608 Contemporary Consciousness Teachings
This course examines the current general concepts of consciousness and its relationship to health and well-being, self-healing, and transformation, and awareness of the concept of oneness. The journey into higher consciousness is studied, as well as the many changes likely to occur during that journey. Energy dynamics and their relationship to higher consciousness are explored. A focus of this course is on the student’s increased responsibility for his or her own growth into higher consciousness. An overview of global consciousness is offered.
TPY 520/620 Theories and Practice of Meditation
Experiential learning defines this course as students are encouraged to integrate theories of meditation into the practice of meditation. Methods of relaxation and breathing techniques are taught, as well as the different approaches offered by various schools of thought pertaining to meditation. The student is expected to develop his/her own ability to meditate, based on an organized system of practice. The focus of this course is to transform experiential learning into experiential knowledge. The student’s mentor provides ongoing supervision and direction during this process.
TPY 521/621 Transpersonal Therapies: Eastern and Western Strategies for Transformation
This course provides a balanced overview of the therapeutic strategies that invite and/or enhance transformation, utilizing both Eastern and Western principles. Both Eastern and Western beliefs about transformation and the specific strategies followed to enhance transformation are explored. Particular attention is given to the cultural values defining transformation. Cultural differences, such as awareness and familiarity with Kundalini, are introduced. The student will gain an understanding of the issues involved in treating a person involved in the process of transformation, and will demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics involved in attaining transformation, including misdiagnosis and mistreatment.
TPY 530/630 Cross-Cultural Counseling
This course includes a comprehensive comparison of pertinent counseling strategies in vastly different cultures. Specific instruction is given in the importance of honoring the values taught in each culture. Religious considerations from various cultures are presented. The student may choose one culture upon which he/she can focus attention, or choose a wider variety of cultures to study, based on his/her intent in working with the different cultures.
TPY 570/670 Legal and Ethical issues in Counseling
This course outlines the sensitive areas of legal and ethical concern, such as the Privacy Act, confidentiality, informed consent, advertising, and conflict of interest. Guidelines are provided for the practical application of ethical behavior. The student is encouraged to study the laws of the state in which he/she practices and subsequent ethical standards.
TPY 580/680 Internship and Practical Application
The internship requirement for the attainment of a Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology can be gained through residential retreats, programs specializing in the student’s area of interest, or employment that gives the student opportunities to practice different therapeutic techniques. The student is allowed to create his/her internship with his/her mentor, and will communicate regularly with the mentor during the process of internship. Practical application may be achieved during the internship, retreat, or the student may volunteer his/her time in a setting that provides the opportunity to apply the techniques in his/her particular area of interest.
TPY 590 Masters Thesis Project
The Master's Degree student is required to submit a thesis on an aspect of his/her chosen field of study. The thesis must cover an aspect of Transpersonal Psychology thoroughly, with a sufficient depth level and appropriate bibliography and number of references. The student is required to submit a proposal for the thesis to the mentor, and must gain approval for this project.
For further course descriptions, please contact the University.